
Mobile App: Photoshop/Invision

Mobile app prototype for a design class at Syracuse University.

The main aim of the site is to inform the public about citizen journalists and media collectives that emerged in Syria in response to the civil war. It is also a platform for these collectives to promote their content.

The first image on the homepage is that of an ordinary citizen filming a protest. This represents the entire concept of citizen journalism. From here the reader can scroll down and read about the site and its aim. This is highlighted in a white color box for attention.  The menu slides in from the side and helps the user navigate their way around the site.

The site is text heavy because it’s a news curator. Majority of the content on the site is curated from its partners in an effort to be a consolidated platform for citizen journalists and their work.

Clicking on the links in the“spotlight” section will take the reader off the site and to the partner site where that content is originally from, hence helping that site increase traffic. 

Color: The Syrian Flag. RED< BLACK< GREEN< WHITE  

Images: Black and white to highlight the nature of the content and to create a sort of visual uniformity with the black in the color scheme.  

Font: OpenSans. It’s a simple font that looks really good on the web. It’s light and presents the reader with a lot of breathing space. It also has a large variety in the family.